Boys: White shirt, royal blue v-necked jumper, grey trousers, black or grey socks. St. Philip's School Tie.
Girls: White blouse, royal blue jumper/cardigan, grey pinafore/skirt, black or grey tights/socks (white socks can also be worn). St. Philip's School Tie.
Boys: White shirt (not polo shirts), grey trousers/shorts (not sports shorts), black or grey socks.
Girls: White blouse, grey skirt or light blue checked dresses, white socks. Blue school cardigan only.
School jumpers are supplied by Touchline and can be ordered using an order form from the school office or online at using the code sthp7326.
Please note that cash can not be received through the school office for jumper orders. Payment can be made by cheque with the order form or online direct with Touchline.
Our school ties are available from the school office. Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children have an elasticated tie priced at £2.75 Year 2 children have the traditional tie priced at £3.00. Junior children have the option of purchasing the traditional tie or a clip on tie priced at £4.00. School bags are also available at the office and they are priced at £4.50
P.E. Clothes
All children have to follow the physical education programme unless excused on medical grounds. Therefore, they must have a pair of plimsolls or trainers, navy shorts and navy t-shirt which are kept in school for P.E. lessons. For outdoor games children from Reception-Y6 need to have navy tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt or a full navy tracksuit and a pair of trainers. A school sports kit is available from Touchline if parent's wish to purchase this, No football shirts to be worn. Every article of clothing which is removed in school should have the child's name clearly marked on it.
Uniform Rules
Flat sensible shoes should be worn by both girls and boys.
Children usually wear summer uniform after Easter or they may continue to wear winter uniform.
The above can be purchased from most clothing stores with the exception of the tie which can only be purchased from school. We also have official school bags for sale.
All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the child's name.
Uniform is optional but is encouraged in the nursery.
No items of jewellery should not be worn.
Please do not allow children to have inappropriate hairstyles, i.e. shaved/very short hair or lines/patterns shaved into the hair.