What is the current allocation of the PE and Sports Grant?
In 2023-24 the grant was £18,400
Planned Spending
This is a summary of our planned spending for full details please see the Sports Grant Premium 2023-24 at the bottom of this page.
- Continue to implement a comprehensive physical literacy programme that includes coordination, balance, and agility exercises integrated into the PE curriculum from Nursery, Reception to Year 6. Cost: £2000
- Integrate at least 30 minutes of structured physical activity into the daily timetable to ensure it is consistently there across all year groups. Cost: £500
- Provide ongoing CPD for teachers to enhance their confidence and competence in delivering PE lessons. Cost: £1500
- Transport – minibus insurance, repairs and tax. Cost: £4875
- Specialist Coaches - high quality teaching and wide variety of sporting courses. Cost: £4500
- Top Up Swimming - Pool hire costs and logistics/transport. Cost: £2250
- Playground Expenditure - Playground development. Cost: £1000
- Membership of Salford SSP- with Dean Gilmore. Cost: £1000
- Experiences for pupils - Lots of sporting trips and activities. Cost: £875
- Staffing – Staff training for CPD and Playground cover at Lunchtime. Cost: £750
- Kits for events- Boys and girls kits for multi purpose events. Cost: £625
- Equipment - £1000
End of KS2 Swimming Data
At the beginning of Y6 88% of learners have been assessed as being able to do the following:
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- Use a range of strokes effectively
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Following an investment into an intensive programme for 12 children in the summer term,
93% of Y6 children have reached the expected standard in swimming.